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Nebraska State Agency Publications Online


There are multiple ways to locate documents:

  1. For documents available directly from Nebraska state agency websites, select an agency from the drop-down box above. A list of that agency's online documents will appear. Then click on the agency name to go to their website, or click on a specific document title.

    Tip: This is especially useful if you are looking for the latest versions of online documents.

  2. To search the full text of State agency printed publications (current and historical) use the search box in the left column.

    Tip: This is especially useful in finding key words within documents, such as names.

  3. Find ALL Nebraska State Agency Publications by searching the Nebraska Library Commission Online Catalog, which contains records, created by librarians, for both current and historical publications.

    Tip: The catalog does not search the full text of documents.

  4. The Nebraska Public Documents is a bound set of various State government publications from the 1870s through 1956.

    Tip: Search or browse the full text of this digitized collection of historical publications via the
    Nebraska Public Documents Collection Site.

For more information about Nebraska State Government Publications, click on ABOUT in the left column.